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Drama Classes





Drama Plus - Fall Play (with some singing) Ages - 11-14 (Max. 40)

A Super Christmas

Thursdays - 10:00-12:00 (a.m.) or 2:00-4:00 (p.m.), Sanctuary/D1



A drama troupe dedicated to learning the fundamentals of acting and theater, as well as putting on a performance. Everyone who registers will be part of the show. Roles will be determined by auditions that take place during class.


What happens when present day superheroes - Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and friends enter into Biblical times. A story not often told during Christmas time… the big name superheroes are threatened when they hear a savior is coming to save the earth. Join them as they search for truth and discover who Jesus is and what the meaning of His birth is to us.


Performance date- Nov. 23 (Belfry Hall)- 

11:00/7:00: Afternoon Drama Plus Performances

2:00/4:00:  Morning Drama Plus Performances

We ask that the students don’t miss more than 2 rehearsals, and not at all the last two weeks of rehearsal.


Speech 101/Public Speaking - Ages 12+

Thursdays 12:00-1:00, D1

Sept. 6-Nov. 21



The Ms Frizzle of Public Speaking, Heather Neumann, will lead students through a fun-filled journey on the basics of Public Speaking through Speech (aka Forensics). Students will learn about the different kinds of speaking events and how we use them in everyday life. They will learn how to choose topics, as well as the importance of how to effectively communicate their delivery. Students will be held accountable, stretched, and encouraged. Learning how to become a better communicator is a life skill. Students will have hands-on applications to stretch and grow and learn more about the art of communication. They will also learn the importance of thesis statements, road maps, hooks, and conclusion, as well as themes and impacts.


One Semester Class. Minimum 5 students. Students will create and perform speeches and there will be a showcase/tournament at the end of the semester.

Individual Interpretive Interp/DramaAges 11+

Thursdays - 1:00-2:00, D1



Come work on your individual acting skills, by digging deeper into characters, literature, and acting. Learn how to cut a piece of literature or create your own story and act and perform it (all the characters will be YOU). This class will work on individual skills, as well as some interactive work. Students will grow into more confident actors and speakers. One Semester Class. Minimum 5 students. Students will create and perform their creation and there will be a showcase at the end of the semester. 

$100, max 20 students

Instructor - Heather Neumann 


Spring Play/Musical - TBD

Performance Date - April 5 (Belfry Hall) - 2:00, 6:00

Auditions - Early Dec.




Troubadours Players - Fall

Fridays - 8:30-12:15 (additional rehearsals, as needed)

$150 per student 


A high school drama troupe (ages 14+) dedicated to a theatrical performance. We ask that students sign up (REGISTER), you won’t be charged until after auditions.


Pirates of Penzance - A Play (with Music)

Pirates of Penzance is originally a 1879 Gilbert and Sullivan comedic classic operetta. Our play has been lovingly adapted by Heather Neumann, and includes musical elements throughout the show. The story begins on Frederic’s 21st birthday, when he’s freed from his accidental apprenticeship to a band of pirates. He decides to stop being a pirate and live an honest life. On his way from the pirate ship, he meets a sweet girl named Mabel and her many sisters, the daughters of (a modern) Major-General Stanley. Mabel and Frederic fall in love and plan to be married.Their plans are thwarted when the Pirate King finds a loophole in Frederic’s contract, which means that Frederic might have a duty to return to the pirates. A comedy of errors follows, focusing on Frederic’s bumbling attempts to decide where his duty lies – with Mabel or the band of pirates. 

Large cast wanted! Lots of lined characters, lots of stage time!!


Performance Dates - 

Nov. 14, 15, 16, 17 (Shepherd of the Hills)

Auditions - Aug. 26

Pirate Boot Camp - Aug. 29 noon-5pm


Spring Musical - Fridays - Rehearsals will be throughout the day on Fridays.

$150 per student 

Performance Dates - TBD

Auditions - TBD



It's time to carry the banner on our stage with Disney's Newsies! Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is based on the true tale of  "newsies." When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack Kelly and pals rally newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions & fight for what's right!


Based on the 1992 motion picture and inspired by a true story, Newsies features a Tony Award-winning score. Featuring the now classic songs “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” and “Santa Fe,” Newsies is packed with non-stop thrills and a timeless message, perfect for the whole family and every audience. 


Over 40 lined characters! Lots of singing, dancing, and fun! Students will register in fall, payment isn’t due until after auditions. Students must be in a Troubadours choir in fall and spring in order to register.


Exploring Drama - Ages - 8-12

Fridays - 7 weeks - Sept. 6-Oct. 18

12:45-1:30, D1



Back by popular demand! An introduction to the fun, fun, fun of drama! Students will explore the elements it takes to be on stage (although no “official” final performance will be scheduled)! Our goal will be to help students unleash their imagination, gain confidence in speaking and movement through theater games and activities. Our exploration will emphasize the development of the actor’s instruments:

voice, body, and imagination.

$80, max 25 students


One Acts Ages 13+

Nov. 1 - Feb. 1

Fridays 12:45-1:30 (during Jazz) 

Fridays 1:30-2:15 (during Choir)



This will be small group ensembles, working on one act plays in the fall/winter, and a small performance will be held with minimal set or costumes. Groups will be formed depending on the number of students and their availability. Each group will work on their one act under direction of Mrs. Neumann and Mrs. Starfeldt. The goal will be to work on smaller pieces and more individual performances, and with perhaps multiple roles. 

Max. 24 students. 


One Act Festival - Feb. 1 - Belfry Hall

Dress Rehearsals - 

Sat. Jan. 25, TBD

Thur. Jan. 30, 4-9pm



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