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The Trouvères

A Premiere Ensemble Experience

The Trouvères â€‹(true-VARES) is our premiere, audition-only ensemble for serious students ages 14 and older. This select group of students performs challenging A Cappella literature for our Christmas and spring concerts as well as WSMA festival performances and additional opportunities around the community.


Thursdays: 2:00-3:00

Cost: $125 (not subject to Family Cap)


By Audition Only. Previous experience required.

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Trouvères!


Addison Evers (S1)

Isabel Hsie (S1)

Alyse Thresher (S1)

Isabel Ott (S2)

Annalee Ernst (S2)

Johanna Vandenberg (S2)

*Janessa Warrick (S1/S2)


Anna Leavins (A1)

Annika Quiñones (A1)

Ally Schoessow (A1)

Ainsley Thornton (A2)

Charlotte Bell (A2)

Faith Tower (A2)

*Hannah Williamson (S2/A1)


Jon Charbonneau (T1)

Benjamin Neumann (T1)

Tristan McGlone (T1)

Nathan Mueller (T2)

Malachi Perkins (T2)

Blake Rosenau (T2)

*Peter Schelfhout (T2/Bar)


Harrison Buettner (Bar)

Luke LaFrombois (Bar)

Toby Schmitz (Bar)

Ransom Webster (Bass)

Dayton Briski (Bass)

Colin Thresher (Bass)


*Alternates: Students participate fully in both semesters (rehearsals, concerts, additional performances), but will serve as alternates for WSMA performances due to small group number limitations, and will step in if another student is ill, has a conflict, or does not continue into second semester.

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